Template – Register for our free analytics webinar series

by Priscila Correia in ,

Register for our free analytics webinar series

Template type: popup message



Are you preparing an exciting webinar series about your product? 🥳 The best way to promote it is right when users are visiting your website or interacting with your product. There’s no way they will miss it. 😎 Use this eye-catching popup message template to provide a short description of your webinar and get people to register.

You can easily adjust the text and button to include a link for a landing page or registering form. You can also make the button look bigger and use other vivid colors to bring even more people to your event. 📅

Benefits of a popup message:

  • Get more qualified leads for your website or software app;
  • Bring awareness to your event and get more attendants;
  • Build a user base for future marketing campaigns;
  • Help convert new users into potential customers;

Best practices:

  • Include the event’s date within the message;
  • Make sure your Call To Action is clear and easy to find;
  • Use this message at the corners of the page so it doesn’t annoy users;
  • Set the frequency so it doesn’t appear to the same user all the time;
  • Use vivid colors and eye-catching illustrations to improve engagement;

How to use it:

  1. Sign up to Helppier and login to your dashboard;
  2. Select this template in your dashboard;
  3. Customize your text and add a link to your landing page;
  4. Define the frequency and set to show on a specific page;
  5. Publish it!

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