Template – Surprise Discount

by Priscila Correia in

Surprise Discount

Template type: popup campaigns


Popup campaigns come in different sizes, shapes, and colors. But if you’d like to create a unique discount for your product this template will help you do just that. 💪

With a simple and appealing design, you can provide clear instructions to users and add a link to your campaign’s landing page. 💻 Make sure your landing page has more information and a registration form.

Boost user engagement and improve conversions in your product with creative marketing campaigns and beautiful eye-catching colors. Give it a try and tell us how it went! ✨


Benefits of popup campaigns:

  • Convert users into paying customers;
  • Increase revenue for your online business;
  • Improve customer loyalty and retention;
  • Drive traffic to a specific landing page;

Best practices:

  • Use this popup message at the center of the screen;
  • Choose a light overlay effect in the background;
  • Use vivid colors and design elements to catch the user’s attention;
  • Make sure your CTA is clear and bold for more engagement;

How to use it:

  1. Sign up to Helppier and login to your dashboard;
  2. Select this template in your dashboard;
  3. Customize the text and button with a link of your choice;
  4. Set to show only one time on a specific page URL;
  5. Publish it!

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