Template – Feedback Survey Customer Service Rate

by Priscila Correia in ,

How happy are you with our customer service?

Template type: customer feedback survey


This is a very common yet important question that any business should ask customers: How happy are you with our customer service?

You can use a customer feedback survey like this one, for example, for loyal customers who have been using your services for a long time. 💡

This template can help you evaluate your customer service team and provide suggestions for improvement, based on your customers’ real feedback. 💌

Benefits of a customer feedback survey:

  • Evaluate the performance of your customer service team;
  • Gather valuable feedback and suggestions from customers;
  • Build better relationships with your customers;
  • Stand out from competitors in your industry;

Best practices:

  • Write a short and clear question so customers know specifically what they are evaluating;
  • Make sure your thank you message appeals to customers in a sense that their opinion matters;
  • Use this message at the center of the screen to gather as much feedback as possible;

How to use it:

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