Template – Stay up to date with webinars

by Priscila Correia in

Stay up to date with webinars

Template type: popup message



Would you like users to register for your newsletter so they can get updated on future webinars, features, and other resources? 💡 This template might give you the inspiration you need to create an engaging popup message for your website or software app. 💌

This template plays a bit with color combining a light vivid orange with a beautiful dark green. By using a colorful design like this one you’ll be able to draw most of your users’ attention to the message and get more engagement. 💃 Change it up as you like!

Benefits of a popup message:

  • Get more subscribers to your newsletter or email list;
  • Increase the number of qualified leads;
  • Gain more customers and improve conversions;

Best practices:

  • Use a bold color for your Call To Action to improve conversions;
  • Choose appealing videos, gifs, and images to catch the user’s attention;
  • Avoid showing this popup message too many times to the same user;

How to use it:

  1. Sign up to Helppier and login to your dashboard;
  2. Select this template in your dashboard;
  3. Customize the text and add your landing URL to the button;
  4. Define the frequency and set to show on a specific page;
  5. Publish it!

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