Template – Join our live webinar

by Paulo Ferreira in

Join our live webinar

Template type: popup message



If you want people to join your upcoming webinar and you’re lacking inspiration, you should definitely get ideas from this appealing popup message. 💡

A simple but effective layout, this template has bold colors, a clear title, a short description, CTA, and a professional image to draw the user’s attention and get them to register. ✍️

Make sure your webinar’s landing page is also on point to reduce bounce rate and increase conversions. 😉

Benefits of a popup message:

  • Convert users into qualified leads;
  • Get more people to register for your webinar;
  • Bring awareness to specific dates and events;
  • Build an email list for marketing campaigns;

Best practices:

  • Use this template at the center of the page to improve engagement;
  • Apply overlay effect to draw the user’s attention to your popup;
  • Make sure the webinar date is bold and clear;
  • Always provide a short description of the event;

How to use it:

  1. Sign up to Helppier and login to your dashboard;
  2. Select this template in your dashboard;
  3. Customize your text and add a link to your landing page;
  4. Define the frequency and set to show on a specific URL;
  5. Publish it!

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