Template – Welcome to your account

by Priscila Correia in

Welcome to your account

Template type: Welcome Message



Providing a smooth first user experience is essential to keep users coming back for more. Use this appealing welcome message template to engage new users and show them around your software application. 💻

This template has a soft background color, bold title, and appealing illustration that will draw your user’s attention quickly. 👀

You can easily adjust the button in this template to include either a link to a video, an interactive tour of your product, or just lead users to their first task. 🚀 Whatever fits your needs!

Benefits of a welcome message:

  • Improve the overall experience for first-time users;
  • Troubleshoot possible questions new users might have;
  • Direct new users to a specific area so they can start using your app;
  • Help retain and convert new users into customers;

Best practices:

  • Use this message at the center of the page so users don’t miss it;
  • Darken the background to improve engagement;
  • Provide a short description and clear title that shows your product’s value;
  • Take advantage of illustrations, gifs and videos to draw attention;

How to use it:

  1. Sign up to Helppier and login to your dashboard;
  2. Select this template in your dashboard;
  3. Change the button link to ensure users go to the correct area;
  4. Target automatically to users who enter a specific URL for the first time;
  5. Publish!

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