Template – How likely are you to recommend

by Priscila Correia in

How likely are you to recommend

Template type: customer satisfaction survey


Are you looking for an engaging way to measure customer satisfaction and gather feedback? Then you should try this customer satisfaction survey. 💌

This template is ready-to-use as it is because of its simple layout and design. But even though it’s simple, it does not mean it’s boring. With its fun illustration and vivid color pallet, you’ll definitely boost engagement and get users to answer. 💬

Before presenting a survey like this one, make sure you define a clear goal and know exactly what you’d like to track and learn from users. 🎯

Benefits of a customer satisfaction survey:

  • Understand which products and services users enjoy most;
  • Gather valuable feedback and suggestions;
  • Check pain points for improvement;
  • Measure overall customer satisfaction;

Best practices:

  • Position this survey at the left or right bottom corners of the page;
  • Avoid using overlay effect, so users can keep using your website/product;
  • Choose engaging colors and illustrations to catch the user’s attention;
  • Make sure your question is clear and aligned with your goal;

How to use it:

  • Sign up to Helppier and log in;
  • Choose this template in your dashboard;
  • Adjust the message, colors, and illustration;
  • Set the frequency to appear on a specific page or a specific type of user;
  • Publish it!

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