Template – Version 4.2 is now available

by Paulo Ferreira in ,

Version 4.2 is now available

Template type: product update announcement


Simple yet professional, this product update announcement is ready-to-use for any SaaS or online business. 💻

If you’re looking for an effective way to announce your product’s latest version, this is the ideal template for you. 💃

Since it has a minimal style with a light grey background and a black CTA, it can easily adapt to different brands and styles. Including yours! Take it out for a spin.

Benefits of a product update announcement:

  • Bring awareness to your product’s latest version and updates;
  • Direct users to a specific feature, blog post, page, or even video;
  • Build brand loyalty by showing your product is constantly improving;
  • Quickly inform users about new features and options;

Best practices:

  • Use minimal backgrounds so it does not affect the text’s readability;
  • Create a bold CTA to direct users to a page about your launch;
  • Write a short and clear title to catch the user’s attention;

How to use it:

  1. Sign up to Helppier and login to your dashboard;
  2. Select this template in your dashboard;
  3. Customize the text and add a link of your choice;
  4. Set to show only one time on a specific URL;
  5. Publish it!


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