Template – Join us for a Live Product Demo

by Paulo Ferreira in ,

Join us for a live product demo

Template type: demo popup



This engaging product demo popup will stand out on your website or product, and help you generate more leads online.

A live demo of your product is the quickest way to get potential customers to understand your solution better, and the value you’re offering. 😎

You can use this beautiful template to direct users to your calendar or a dedicated landing page where they can register for your live demo. Give it a try! 🙌


Benefits of a demo popup:

  • Helps you build an email list for your company;
  • Increase overall sales and online conversions;
  • Easily provides awareness to your product demo;
  • Help convert leads into customers

Best practices:

  • Present your product demo popup at the center of the page;
  • Use appealing words such as “Get” or “Join” in your CTAs;
  • Choose vivid colors in your buttons to boost engagement;
  • Make your CTA easy to find using a large button;

How to use it:

  1. Sign up to Helppier and login to your dashboard;
  2. Select this template in your dashboard;
  3. Customize the text, position on the page, and add a link of your choice;
  4. Define the frequency and the URL;
  5. Publish it!

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