Template – New! Connected Accounts

by Priscila Correia in

New! Connected Accounts

Template type: feature announcement 


The best way to announce a new feature is when users are interacting with your product. 🙌 If you’re lacking inspiration in terms of design and copy, this feature announcement template might give you some ideas.

It has all the key elements that you might need to announce a new feature, including a simple description, a bold title, and an appealing image. 📷

You can use this template in several ways, for example, place it near the new feature you launched, or present it as a popup and add a link that provides more information. Do as your heart desires! 😊


Benefits of a feature announcement:

  • Bring awareness to new features that you will launch;
  • Improve feature adoption and engagement;
  • Direct users to a specific area/feature;
  • Provide more information about new features and show how it works;

Best practices:

  • Move and position this message next to the feature/option you’re announcing;
  • Add a fun illustration or gif to catch your user’s attention;
  • Include a link so users can learn more about the feature and how it works;

How to use it:

  1. Sign up to Helppier and login to your dashboard;
  2. Select this template in your dashboard;
  3. Customize the text, image, colors, and add a link of your choice;
  4. Set to show only one time on a specific page URL;
  5. Publish it!


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